
Occupied confusion

Large congregations of people have gathered in various cities across Canada and the United States. They live humbly in tents, play djembes and meditate communally….

Your children are you

The meaning behind the behaviour of children and youths is a topic discussed by people of all sorts in various forms of media, particularly when…

An Old Cobbler

The old man yet lived, only because he was useful. He sat on a rickety wooden stool, alone, centred in the dim shop and staring…

Bettering our campus

From Nov. 17-20, the fifth annual Canadian Conference on Student Leadership (CCSL) was held in Calgary, Alberta. I was one of the eight undergraduate students…

Efficient altruism

The other day I was walking around campus when I passed a pink fire truck. It was, of course, related to some kind of breast…

Keep Christ in Christmas

A controversy that presents itself to many Christians in our present time is the transformation of the meaning of Christmas and how it has changed…

Science vs. art, reality vs. meaning

So I’ve been around the university block. My degree may say “bachelor of arts,” but I’d call my education “broad” — perhaps “flip-flopped,” even, or…

Movember, A Mo-emoir.

Haven’t been without a beard in more than a decade. My face is furious for thrusting it into this cold bright world unprepared.The wife has…