Arts & Culture

Sex and the campus

We all know that people act strangely in certain situations, but why is it that an almost impossibly dramatic change occurs when we go on…

Static prevails

Send and Receive, Winnipeg’s annual festival of sound, is on again this week and there’s nary a hook, harmony or hand-clap to be heard. Instead,…

Hurl from a top window

In his first work of creative non-fiction, the 13-year old Eric Valdemar wrote about war and childhood. Inspired by his hometown of Rostock in northern…


5 O’clock Bells Directed by Brian Quirt Starring Pierre Brault * out of ** The 2009-10 season opened Oct. 8 with 5 O’clock Bells, a…

Essentially a Playlist

Despite the ever-present threat of terrible weather, I firmly believe October is one of the best months of the year. The hubbub of back-to-school insanity…

All the city’s a stage

At first glance, theatre is an archaic art form, utterly outdone by its more glamorous and accessible counterpart, film. Why, then, is it important that…