Arts & Culture

What is love?

In Quebec City, I got into a discussion with my French landlady about French semantics with regards to the concept of “love.” I felt that…


I find cycle touring, the act of biking long distances and staying in campgrounds, to be one of the most enjoyable things to do with…

The Paper Fairy

She speaks in thesis sentences her tone elegant, ideas clear so eloquent all can understand her Her gown, it is of Post-its of colours garish…

That’s hot!

Fat was once sexy. A full figure meant you could afford to eat and was thus a symbol of wealth. You likely wouldn’t imagine a…

Turning Sour

Turning sour Like an apple bit by the bright whole morning sun And left to rot by night one halved lonely moon Turning sour Like…

Sharing minds

We bring greetings from across the sea! We are Engineers Without Borders, and this week we are spotlighting one of our wonderful long-term volunteers working…