Arts & Culture

Field trip

“Every year,” he started, “Macleans magazine puts out an annual review of Canadian universities. And every year, the University of Manitoba doesn’t do so great….

The devolution of pants

The last decade or so has seen the proliferation among young men of what very witty people have named the “man-purse” or “murse” (which, if…

The fingerstache

The fingerstache is a tattoo trend that has found waves of success here and there. The origins of the infamous trend are often debated as…

Fried brains and Sam

Being whizzed through realities in a trillion tiny pieces at the speed of thought is an indescribable experience. Think about it for a moment and…

Sacred Portal

Nothing is stable . . . Not a thought, nor whim, nor prayer. Too many inexpressible feelings. I stomp the ground. Ahh there it is…

World War 1.5

To make art is at once challenging and satisfying, like completing a puzzle. One of life’s great pleasures is to stand back and look at…