Arts & Culture

The Tree of Life

Terrence Malick’s fifth film, The Tree of Life, is a good film, but clarifying why can be an arduous task. Malick is known for creating…

Point / Counterpoint

Point / Counterpoint is a platform in which two parties discuss pertinent cultural issues from opposing sides. It’s a real debate, and like any honest…

Pop personas

This spring, two of the world’s biggest pop stars release albums that tell us what we already knew: Britney Spears and Lady Gaga take different…

The end of film

One of the most dynamic and evolving mediums today is photography. What was once a scientific tool developed by chemists and the privileged rich is…

Let’s get critical

Think about your favourite contemporary artist. Do you have one? What do you like about their work? Now think about your favourite artist ever. Do…

Talking through the flower

Armin Wiebe says it was an anecdote about his grandparents that inspired his first play, The Moonlight Sonata of Beethoven Blatz. The former University of…

Camping in Wales

Green hills, seaside towns and lovely castles tarnished a mossy green from age. This is Wales. North Wales, that is. It may be just as…