Arts & Culture


It’s a man’s last refuge!” barked a stocky, middle-aged man to me as we sat on the outdoor patio of a pub in Brisbane, Australia….

Triumph over the ordinary

Fans of the recently ended Showcase show Kenny vs. Spenny, which pitted two friends against each other in merciless competitions, can celebrate the television return…

One Day

One Day is a story of the attraction of opposites. Emma, played by Anne Hathaway (Ella Enchanted, Love and Other Drugs) is a hardworking girl…

We are spoiled

You may not realize this but if you are a fan of comedy, especially comedy on television, you are being spoiled right now. Across the…

My Folk Fest kicked ass

Winnipeg’s annual Folk Festival is an excellent way to spend five days doing one or any combination of the following: soaking in wonderful music, relaxing…

Point / Counterpoint

Point / Counterpoint is a platform in which two parties discuss pertinent cultural issues from opposing sides. It’s a real debate, and like any honest…

Things I’ve loved

Things I’ve Loved is a celebration of things from the near or distant past, either overlooked or forgotten by the unforgiving eye of popular culture….