Sports Editor

Position: Sports Editor
Company: The Manitoban
Salary: $544 biweekly
Term: June 2024 to April 2025

About the Position: The Manitoban is the official students’ newspaper of the University of Manitoba. The Sports Editor is responsible for coordinating the sports section and organizing local coverage. Regular duties include attending weekly meetings on Monday and Wednesday evenings, delegating stories to reporters and volunteers, editing articles and ensuring copy meets editorial standards. A sound knowledge of sports is a must. Preference will be given to candidates with a keen interest in university athletics.


  • The ideal candidate must enjoy writing and have a good understanding of the English language and Canadian Press writing style.
  • Experience with regular assignment deadlines is also an asset.
  • Applicants should currently be a post-secondary student or have been a post-secondary student in the past two years.
  • No prior experience necessary.

How to apply: Send a resume, cover letter, and three (3) writing samples to by 11:59 p.m. on June 12, 2024.