I am a ‘mature’ student who was enrolled in the Integrated Studies program and I have spent three and half years with you all here at the U of M. I would like to say that I am most impressed with you all. You are intelligent, well mannered, pleasant to be around, and helpful when I got stuck on the computer at times!
Indeed, there is a generational bias in which older generations look down on the younger ones; I experienced the same treatment in my twenties. I think the older generations have forgotten what it is like to be young and full of fire. Anyways, I want you to know that there are many advocates and allies that you all have on your side and I am one.
I have always been most impassioned about those in their twenties and thirties. I am proud of you; you will do well and thank you so very much for your passion, enthusiasm, and dedication to yourselves, friends, and the planet.
Much peace.
Lori J. Westman