The 2011/2012 UMSU election results are as follows.
These figures are based on preliminary results provided by the CRO.
Executive positions
President Camilla Tapp (Working Together) 47.9%
Vice-president Advocacy Nour Rashid (Working Together) 51.5%
Vice-president Student Services Matt Hepner (Working Together) 54.7%
Vice-president Internal Justin Quigley (Working Together) 47%
Vice-president External Julie Rempel (Working Together) 56.9%
Per cent of votes per slate
found by taking average number of votes among all of a slate’s candidates
Working Together 53.6%
Get More 28.3%
Clean Slate 18.1%
Representatives and referenda
The following candidates were running unopposed, and the percentages indicate the proportion of “yes” votes out of the total.
Disabilities Representative Bryan Douglas 86.4%
Womans’ Representitive Bilan Arte 91.1%
International Student Representative Ramogi Nyonge 84.9%
LGBTT* Representitive Kyle St. Godard * 93.9%*
Referendum percentages indicate the proportion of “yes” votes out of the total.
The Manitoban’s Student levy Referendum 61.8%
Detailed Results based on CRO’s preliminary data
wt= Working Together——gm= Get More——cs= Clean Slate
-Camilla Tapp (wt) 1536
-Delaney Coelho (gm) 937
-Tyler Omichinski (cs) 586
VP Advocacy
-Nour Rashid (wt) 1949
-Nick Humniski (gm) 942
-Tina Fahmy (cs) 494
VP External
-Julie Rempel (wt) 1821
-Chantal Ramraj (indp.) 530
-Ian Literovich (CS) 680
VP Internal
-Justin Quigley (wt) 1505
-Nick Shamanski (gm) 988
-Chris Struc (cs) 563
VP Student Services
-Matt Hepner (wt) 1751
-Ally Beauchesne (gm) 791
-Caleigh Glawson (cs) 520
Based on figures of approximately 26,000* undergraduate students at the U of M, 3202, or about 12.3% of eligible students, cast a vote. This represents a 2% increase from 2010, but a decline of about 7% from 2009.
- this number is an estimate