President candidates

Left to right: Robert Johannson, Fatima Shabir and Prabhnoor Singh. (Supplied images)

Three candidates are vying to lead the University of Manitoba Students’ Union (UMSU) as president, which represents over 26,000 students, according to the UMSU website. Divya Sharma, the 100th UMSU president, is not seeking re-election and has not responded to requests for comment by the Manitoban on the decision to not seek another term.

Robert Johannson

Robert Johannson is a fourth-year student in global political economy who is currently writing his undergraduate thesis. “I’m very passionate about understanding social change from below and how ordinary people have tried to change the world,” he said.

Johannson explained that he is motivated by lots of things, such as getting a better understanding of the world, but emphasized that “most of all, it’s a deep disdain for unfairness.”

“I just can’t sit idly by when I see people being done dirty,” he said.

Johannson stated that his goal is not to use the UMSU presidency as “some jumping off point for a career,” but to “serve the people.” He stated that he is not in the race for a reference or a favour from the university’s administration.

“The main pillar of my platform would be transforming UMSU into a more militant and engaged union,” he said. “I’m very much a believer in what Frederick Douglass said that, quote, ‘if there is no struggle, there is no progress.’”

“UMSU has no leverage to advocate for students unless there are students that are organized and willing to fight the neoliberal attacks on the education system.”

He stated that he is running because of how much dissatisfaction there is with UMSU, adding that a lot of people don’t know about the students’ union and what it does.

“I’m also very deeply concerned about the rise of influential bureaucracies within UMSU and UMSU’s tendency to play to the university’s tune,” he said. “And these issues aren’t limited to us here in Manitoba, either, they’re happening to student unions across Canada.”

Johannson indicated that he was disappointed when UMSU tried to leave the Canadian Federation of Students in order to join the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations, which he described as a “right-wing student federation that does not support student activism.”

He added that if elected, he would like his mandate to be defined as action-oriented with transparency and humility. Johannson said he would like the UMSU board of directors to be exemplified by activism, accountability and unselfishness.

Johannson also indicated that his interests include playing the guitar and reading.

Fatima Shabir

Fatima Shabir stated that she is “driven by the deep passion to help others,” adding that this brings her true happiness as a people pleaser. “It’s what motivates me every single day.”

Shabir said that she spends her days on campus laughing with friends but also listens to the struggles of students. She indicated that conversations made her realize how often students are overlooked.

“I believe every student deserves to be heard,” said Shabir. “As a student, I truly understand the students here on campus and their experience — not from a distance — but from living it.”

Shabir added that she has also run many small businesses which showed her the importance of each dollar, regardless of the business size. “Every single dollar matters to the students,” she said.

“I’m running because I’m truly fed up with the system that wastes our tuition money while ignoring our real needs,” said Shabir. “I’m not running to secure a pay cheque.”

She mentioned that students are the “heartbeat” of the university, and that she will fight the bureaucracy and ensure that the resources benefit students directly.

Accountability is the main pillar of her campaign. Shabir wants to make sure that every decision, every dollar and every meeting is focused toward making the campus better for students.

She indicated that overpriced drinks, endless wait times for mental health support and a system that ignores students has become the norm. “I’ve seen it all up close, and I know we deserve better,” said Shabir.

“I’m here to slash those wasteful costs, restore real freedom of speech and accountability and create an environment where every student feels valued.”

Shabir said she would like her term as UMSU president to place the students first, all while being honest and real. Collectively, Shabir wants the UMSU board of directors to be caring, bold and competent.

Prabhnoor Singh

Third year political studies major Prabhnoor Singh stated the first-hand experience he acquired as UMSU vice-president external affairs in the last year has equipped him with the ideal skills and insights to lead the union.

Singh stated that he was able to learn day-to-day operations of the union, how to manage and collaborate with different teams and recognize key dos and don’ts.

He added that the role will require lots of compassion, active listening and quick thinking.

“The main pillar I would say for my platform has to be increasing student engagement and empowerment,” he said.

“When I was developing my policies, I ensured that they were designed to support students through the work of the various vice-president portfolios as well, ensuring that all portfolio policies [are] aligned with the student-first approach.”

Singh also said that he plans to actively engage with external stakeholders, all while prioritizing student needs and interests. His main goal is to ensure that incoming students not only feel more welcome, but that they also enjoy their post-secondary experience.

“I hope to foster an inclusive and supportive environment, and I look forward to creating a campus where students feel heard, empowered, engaged and truly just valued in their university journey,” he stated.

Singh said he is seeking a second term with the union to complete several initiatives from his first term. This includes reinstating international students’ health care coverage in the province and developing a unified provincial lobbying group made up of the post-secondary student associations.

“I want to carry that legacy of excellence and ensuring that UMSU continues to serve as a strong, effective voice for students, but also just remains the best student union at [the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations],” he said.

Some of Singh’s passions include learning and exploring a wide range of subjects, reading and listening to podcasts. He also plays a couple of stringed instruments and performs folk dances. “What truly motivates me, I would say, is my ability to make others smile for sure and just leave a lasting impression.”

Singh would like to serve as an UMSU president that is trustworthy, responsive and dependable. His vision is to have an inclusive, collaborative and transparent UMSU board of directors.