OHRCM recorded 91 complaints during fiscal year

Office of Human Rights and Conflict Management recorded three-fold increase in formal complaints

The Office of Human Rights and Conflict Management (OHRCM) recently released its annual report, covering the reporting period of the latest fiscal year — spanning from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024. 

According to the report, the OHRCM is dedicated to building a diverse and equitable working and learning environment by collaborating with faculty, student services and administrative offices, to establish a respectful, discrimination-free environment that is based on the Manitoba Human Rights Code.

The OHRCM’s mandate focuses on addressing and preventing discrimination, harassment and sexual violence by administrating policies such as the university’s Respectful Work and Learning Environment (RWLE) Policy, Sexual Violence Policy and the Disclosures and Complaints Policy. 

The OHRCM promises confidentiality to individuals who wish to discuss their concerns, while providing advice and access to resolution processes, including mediation, conflict coaching and formal investigations. 

During the 2023-24 reporting period, a total of 91 complaints were recorded, including 55 informal complaints and 36 formal complaints.     

Fifty of the recorded complaints were reported allegations of prohibited conduct under the RWLE and Sexual Violence Policy. Most of these complaints included human rights-based harassment and discrimination, personal harassment, sexual harassment and sexual assault.

Nineteen of the 50 complaints of prohibited conduct under the RWLE and the Sexual Violence Policy were resolved using an informal resolution process, according to the report. 

Informal resolutions include mediation or facilitated conversations, apologies, conflict coaching, impact statements, expectation letters or restorative justice processes. 

During the previous reporting period, the 2022-23 fiscal year, a total of 102 complaints were recorded, consisting of 90 informal complaints and 12 formal complaints. The recent report denotes a three-fold increase in formal complaints received compared to the previous reporting period.

The 36 formal complaints processed in the 2023-24 fiscal year consisted of 11 human rights-based complaints, 10 complaints involving multiple categories, eight personal harassment complaints, five complaints categorized as “other,” one sexual harassment complaint and one sexual assault complaint.

Of the formal complaints, 20 complaints did not proceed to investigation, while the remaining 16 proceeded to an investigation, including four that were carried out from the previous year. Formal complaints under investigation are typically completed within 90 working days of the case being assigned to an investigator, according to the report.

Breaches of the RWLE and/or Sexual Violence Policy were found in four of the sixteen formal complaints that proceeded to an investigation, no breach was found in two complaints, one complaint was withdrawn and one was resolved informally. No decisions were made yet in eight complaints at the time of reporting.      For the recording period of 2023-24, students represented most of the formal complainants while staff and faculty represented most of the respondents. Complaints were also received from external staff, the general community, alumni and individuals that assume various roles at the U of M.

For more information on the OHCRM, including access to the 2023-24 annual report and contact details, visit umanitoba.ca/human-rights-and-conflict-management.