UMFA would like to express our appreciation to all of the students who wrote or called with messages of support for UMFA and their professors during the negotiations with the University of Manitoba administration. We also want to thank all of you who organized and participated in groups such as Students Supporting UMFA, and those who created and signed the petition supporting UMFA and opposing the current faculty amalgamation.
The Manitoban and its editorial staff assisted by adjusting submission deadlines for our information. Kristy Hourd wrote a fine article on academic freedom for that same paper called “Nothing Looms Larger.” There were many other actions initiated by students who took the time and effort to weigh in on the issues underlying this set of negotiations. We have heard from many of our members about the personal support that students extended to them and we want you to know how much that meant to them individually and to UMFA collectively.
While all the issues are not yet settled, we were able to get better academic freedom language in the new collective agreement and that will have a positive effect on the teaching, research and service responsibilities of academics at the University of Manitoba.
Once again, we thank you for your support.
In solidarity!
Sharon Alward, President