Enthusiasm for cricket on campus

Finally, cricket has made its way to campus. An ambitious group of students have formed the University of Manitoba Cricket Association (UMCA), a student group dedicated to sharing their passion for the sport.

According to Lankika Ellepola of UMCA, “The U of M has lots of regular and international students who love the game of cricket and who have already been playing for other teams in Manitoba’s cricket league.” Ellepola hopes to attract these experienced student players as well as inexperienced players: “One of the main reasons behind forming this kind of organization was to bring together all these talented players under one team while encouraging the new players to also take part in the game.”

As a game with varying levels of competitiveness, Ellepola explains that with the proper training, anyone can become a skillful cricket player: “Cricket can be played as a very interactive fun game and that will make anyone fond of the game. However, at the competitive level, we would require more talent and commitment to be more successful in tournaments.” Looking even further into the future, Ellepola envisions the UMCA as an important training ground for cricket players: “If we become successful with our ideas, we as a university would be able to produce quality players for the province of Manitoba in the long run.”

Gym space at Tache Hall on campus is used by the group for recreational soft ball cricket games and regular practices will be held with senior Manitoba cricket teams. Once the snow finally melts, practices and games will be held outside. Ellepola explains some of the intricacies of cricket: “The usual outdoor games are played to seven hours [ . . . ] It’s a great way to enjoy the summer weather for the short four months that we have it, while the indoor version of the game is played for two hours, and is entertaining and competitive. This version also keeps you in shape over the winter for the upcoming summer games, which are the most important.”

The UMCA sees itself as a starting step, which will prove their enthusiasm for the sport and hopefully help cricket to grow as a main sport at the university and is always looking for new players.

You can also help show your support by attending the UMCA launch party and fundraiser called “Play Wild.” It will be held Jan. 17 starting at 8 p.m. at Wise Guys on campus. Tickets are $5 and are available at the Answers booth in University Centre.