November 2009

Yoo missed it

This is the concert you should have attended. On Oct. 28, 2009, acclaimed conductor Scott Yoo brought magnificence to the exalted pews and stained glass…

Local briefs

Canadians opinions on Americans studied According to The Winnipeg Free Press, a new study published by the Historica-Dominion Institute, indicates feelings Canadians have towards Americans….

University set to undergo renovations

It has been projected that the University of Manitoba will undergo major renovations from now until 2013 in the hopes of benefiting efficiency, research and…

Never give up

Allow me to commence this “comment” with characteristic self-absorption. Perhaps this is self-evident, but I am a man of eminence, of success. Indeed, my appetite…

“What’s a paragraph?”

It was mid-September. I had just set off from my house that morning on foot, living only a couple of blocks away from my practicum…